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Vocal music teachers in Johannesburg
Vocal Music Lessons in Johannesburg

Most people think they can sing, and let's face it everyone can sing to some degree or another, but not everyone can sing well, at least no without some vocal music lessons. We've all seen Idols and grimaced as contestant after contestant butchers Whitney Houston or Kelly Clarkson, they've all been told by their family and friends that they have a lovely voice, until they hit the audition, then it sounds as if they're strangling a cat.

The problem most of these poor saps have is they haven't learned the basics, they haven't been for vocal music lessons where they'd learn the basics of vocals and they'd spare themselves a bunch of humiliation and snide remarks from the judges.

Vocal music lessons will help anyone wanting to sing to get the basics right, some of the areas it will improve are..

  • Pitch
  • Tone
  • Technique
  • Endurance
  • High Notes
  • Control
  • Vocal Range

With the Performance Academy's experienced vocal music teachers, you'll learn how to control your voice and use it as a musical instrument. You'll be taken through a range of vocal exercises and shown how to practice daily to develop your voice.

Your vocal music teacher will give you guidance and show you how to improve your vocals to get the most out of your voice, you will sound better and perform more confidently.

The Performance Academy offers vocal music lessons for any level of performer from someone starting out to performers who've been performing for years - there's always room for improvement. To find out more, please fill in the Contact Form below and we'll get one of our vocal/voice teachers to assist you from here.

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